Phthalates and bisphenols — can affect health, especially if the exposure occurs in the womb or during early childhood. Certain plastics contain these chemicals that are harmful to human health even at low levels of exposure.
Soft, flexible plastics are often made with chemicals called phthalates.
Hard clear plastics are often made with a chemical called bisphenol-A (BPA). These ingredients can interfere with hormones (such as estrogen and testosterone) and may disrupt a child’s normal development and growth, especially if the child is exposed to these chemicals over long periods of time.
Tips & Tricks
2. Purchase glass baby bottles with a silicone
sleeve whenever possible. If glass is not an
option, milky, opaque plastic bottles and sippy
cups labeled “BPA free” can be used.
3. Never heat or microwave food or drink in
any plastic containers, even if the product
says “microwavable” or “microwave safe”.
4. Leaching of toxic chemicals from plastic to food
or liquid may occur. Use a paper towel instead
of plastic wrap to cover food in the microwave.
5. Never heat plastic baby bottles. When mixing
formula, heat the water before mixing. When
warming breast milk, use a glass bottle (remove
the plastic cap).
6. Use PVC-free plastic wrap or a reusable
option like beeswax wraps.
7. Eat fresh or frozen produce. Minimize the use
of canned foods and canned drinks as many are
lined with BPA or its sister compounds BPS/BPF.
8. Choose a pacifier that is either entirely made
of silicone, or has a silicone or natural
rubber nipple and is labeled BPA-free (if hard
9. Purchase phthalate-free and fragrance–free
beauty products.
10. Ask your dentist for BPA-free sealants and
composite fillings.
11. Discard all worn or scratched plastic food
containers, especially baby bottles, sippy cups
and infant feeding plates and cups.